
What's Up If He Stops Wanting Sex?

You used to have sex all the time it was ridiculous. You had sex virtually everywhere and it even got to the point that he cannot get his hands off you that what started out as flattering became annoying. But now, gone were the days when you had sex all over the house and you are starting to miss his constantly groping hands. Sex has gone from once a day, to once in a blue moon.

When he stops wanting sex with you, what does it mean? Is he no longer attracted to you? Or could it be that he is having sex with someone else?

True, those are indeed plausible theories, but do not think that they are the only possible reasons why he has stopped having sex with you. Here is one of the most common reasons why guys uncharacteristically stop wanting to have sex.

Stress, anxiety and pressure

When stress is riding him hard, he won't have enough energy or desire to ride you anytime soon. Stress can not only sap out energy and sanity but also a person's sex drive. Stress leaves a person feeling overwhelmed, anxious and preoccupied with worries that it leaves no space in the brain to even think about sex. Find out if he has been stressing it over work, or maybe he has some really serious personal problems going on such as family problems or relationship problems.

Often times, stress is caused by being under a lot of pressure. Sometimes jealousy and insecurity can cause him to stress out too; if the stress is caused by relationship problems, such as jealousy or insecurity, address the root of the issue first.

If you can see that he is stressed and you have identified the root of the stress, help him de-stress. Don't add to his stress by expressing your sexual dissatisfaction; help him relax by engaging him in an activity he enjoys (not sex!) or doing something really nice for him to make him feel special, do not be very sexual as this may only add to his anxiety. Put yourself in his shoes and you will understand that when you are feeling particularly negative, the deed is the last thing on your mind. Be nice, be sweet and be attentive, it's not only girls who want to be treated like a princess sometimes... be patient and eventually you will be rewarded for your selfless deeds.

Check out these articles about sexuality and relationships at Turn A Girl On and Finger Yourself

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